Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Journey of Funk News

Ok! I will be posting the TJOF chapters on my deviantART page, because Blogger doesn't like my stories and glitches when I try to paste them from Microsoft Word. So they will be uploaded to my deviantART page. The first chapter of the first set is there now.


  1. Nice and Awesome, u got a carrer at being a storywriter, Mega. That;s not an insult it's a compliment. By the way can u follow my blogs please. It's not about Funkeys though. I wouldve started a Funkeys blog, but the bionicle likers said I shouldn't.

  2. thx for following my blog MegaACE. Just to let u know roco's post didn't bring me here. You did And then i found ur blog and followed it. P'S gREAT BLOG. Great job in getting 14 followers. You almost have more than me. In my main blog I have 18 followers. I hope u get more than me.


You can make a comment here. No rude or inappropriate stuff! Let's keep it Funkey friendly.